Innov8te Insights: A manager’s guide to team success

Sonia Tammaro
28 Nov 2023

Welcome to Innov8te Insights, where we share regular HR tips and inspiration for People Leaders.

Our topic today is about fostering an environment of trust to improve teamwork and create a workplace where individuals feel valued and motivated to give their best.

We regularly work with organisations to help them build great teams. We often refer to Stephen Covey’s “Emotional Bank Account” concept as a powerful metaphor that aligns seamlessly with building trust and relationships professionally.

In Covey’s framework, the Emotional Bank Account represents the trust that individuals build with each other through consistent deposits of positive actions and interactions. These deposits include acts of kindness, honesty, empathy, and understanding. They serve to strengthen relationships and create a reserve of trust and goodwill.

Conversely, Withdrawals represent actions or behaviours that diminish trust, respect, or rapport within relationships. These withdrawals can deplete the emotional reserves or goodwill between individuals, impacting the quality of their interactions.

Here are some invaluable strategies to cultivate trust and forge meaningful connections with your team:

Have open, honest, and transparent conversations. Encourage open dialogue, actively listen to your team’s concerns, and share information candidly. When communication flows freely, it builds a sense of trust and inclusivity.

‘Walk the Talk’ and Lead by Example: Showcase integrity and authenticity in your actions. Demonstrate the values and behaviours you expect from your team. Being consistent in your actions and words fosters trust and credibility.

Show genuine empathy and understanding: this means taking the time to understand your team members on a personal level. Acknowledge their strengths, challenges, and aspirations. Show empathy and support during difficult times.

Delegate and then Empower: Trust your team by delegating tasks and responsibilities. Empower them to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This not only builds trust but also boosts morale and confidence.

Ensure you acknowledge and appreciate: Recognise and celebrate individual and team achievements. Acknowledging their efforts reinforces a positive culture and strengthens bonds.

Make it safe! Foster an environment where everyone feels safe to voice their opinions, share ideas, and even make mistakes without fear of judgment. Encourage a culture that values diverse perspectives.

Provide real growth opportunities: Invest in your team’s development. Offer opportunities for learning and growth that align with their career aspirations. This shows that you value their professional advancement.

Resolve conflicts constructively and quickly: Address conflicts promptly and fairly. Mediate discussions to find solutions that consider everyone’s perspective. Resolving conflicts demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a harmonious team dynamic.

Remember, building trust and relationships takes time and effort. It’s an ongoing process that requires genuine care and attention.

Innov8te provides on-demand HR services and coaching to support small- to medium-sized organisations. Reach out to our team to learn more.